Dear Mahal: It has been two months

Dear Mahal,

It has been two months today since the last time that I saw you. Is this the only milestone that I will be looking forward to? I don't know how to put into words how much I miss you. I am longing for your presence. I am craving for your touch. I go to bed early trying to get some sleep but here I am, wide awake keep thinking how you've been. I know that we've been updating each other every day via chat but is it too much to ask for more? I understand that we are both busy with our own lives. I understand that we have our own priorities. But this emptiness inside is drowning me. Honestly, I am happy that we get to talk every day but I still feel empty. There's this void that only your physical presence can fill. You say we'll get to see each other soon. However, the soon becomes almost an eternity day by day. Having a face-to-face conversation with you has become a challenge for me. We live less than two hours apart and within the same time zone. However, we act like we are on both ends of the world. Getting envious is not good, I know. But that's what I feel whenever I see a happy couple around me. Hoping that one day, we can be normal lovers just like them. I'm a fast-paced person but every time I think of how far I am from you, my mind keeps on zoning out just to cope with the loneliness inside. I keep counting the days, the time, and the minutes until we can be reunited again in each other's arms.


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